

The achievement of high efficiency of enterprise activity is possible provided that the efficiency of all available resources, in particular human resources, is increased. The uniqueness of the human factor in production lies, on the one hand, in its ability to synergetic development with all other systems of organization, and capitalization, on the other. It is this feature, in the conditions of high rates of technical and technological development, knowledge intensity of production can become the basis for increasing the efficiency of both individual enterprises and the national economy as a whole. Taking into account the importance of the issues of human capital reserves intensification, its development both for enterprises and the entire economy, the issue of personnel development, development of labor potential at all levels is devoted to a number of studies. In spite of the importance of these studies, they mainly focus on the activities of personnel services in the organization of personnel development, while taking into account the peculiarities of this process for certain categories of employees, in particular management personnel, requires further research. The purpose of the article is to identify the features and problems that arise in the process of development of managerial personnel of industrial enterprises and the development of promising measures aimed at improving this process. Thus, on the basis of the analysis of the content of management activities, internal and external conditions for the implementation of professionally significant qualities and abilities for management activity, analysis of which allowed to identify the peculiarities of the process of development of management personnel of industrial enterprises. The revealed problems that arise in the process of development of management personnel allowed to develop measures to improve this process for domestic enterprises. Recommendations for improving of the management personnel development at the national industrial enterprises were worked out. It’s based on the systematization and analysis of conditions for the implementation of management activities. The recommendations for the improvement of personnel, motivational, staff selection, staff reserve policies for the management personnel at the industrial enterprises were proposed. These recommendations form the most important conditions for the implementation of professionally significant qualities of managers and its development.


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