It is proved that the marketing innovative policy of the enterprise promotes interaction of scientific and technical, marketing, production, social, organizational and economic activity in the process of creation and implementation of innovations. It is a set of goals, principles, methods, directions, measures and tools that ensure the formation and implementation of an innovation strategy of enterprises in order to create sustainable competitive advantages and maintain a competitive position market. To implement marketing innovation policy, we developed a business model, which is a schematic description of the company’s activities. The basis of the business model is the consumer value of the product that the company produces. Managing the process of creating a consumer value of a product is based on the network form of business organization. At the heart of the modern paradigm of strategic management of a network association is the marketing of relationships, according to its provisions, the most valuable assets of any company, is the partnership relationship. The need to intensify innovation activities of enterprises, motivation of employees to innovate led to the search for new models, one of which is the intrapreneurship, which consists in creating an enterprise structure within the enterprise in order to enable employees to innovate on the resource and organizational basis of the existing enterprise. To provide information support for innovation management at all stages of the lifecycle, CALS-technologies are used which-provide an increase in the efficiency of innovative processes by accelerating the stages of research and development of products. One of the key areas for implementing marketing innovation policy and a guide for a business model is to create additional (unique) value of products in the context of the network interaction of printing companies in the chain of value creation in accordance with the concept of marketing partnerships based on the model of open innovation.
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