

The article summarizes the theoretical provisions for determining the essence and content of the concept of “service”, discloses such approaches to the concept of service as: these are economic benefits; an action that benefits the consumer; process, a kind of activity that is associated with the nature of the consumption of services. It has been determined that the role of services in the economy is constantly growing, this is typical for their “production” — an increase in the share of workers employed in the services sector, as well as an accelerated increase in the share of services in the GDP of economically developed countries; and for “consumption”, an increase in the volume of traditional services; at the same time, the growth of needs leads to the emergence of new services aimed at satisfying them. Ukraine is also characterized by a growing trend in the share of services in GDP. It is proved that in our thinking we use not concepts, but concepts as multidimensional semantic formations combining meaning, content and semantic form; the concept distinguishes value, figurative and conceptual components. It is proved that the system of the concept of “service” is based on the relationship “sender of the service – recipient of the service”; value characteristics of the concept of “service” include such signs as benefit, self-interest. One of the types of services is transport services that satisfy the demand for the movement of goods and passengers. Internal features of the concept of “transport service” is the benefit, the benefits, benefits that the consumer receives and satisfies his needs. External signs of the concept of “service” — is the image of the enterprise-freight carrier, acquired by creating effective external communication with potential consumers by employees of the enterprise. Based on the allocation of the value component in the concept of “transport service”, an axiological model of this concept was built with the selection of such parameters as: quality, price, time, place.


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