

The article generalizes theoretical approaches to defining the essence and content of concepts: “network”, “network formations”, “emergence”, reveals characteristic features of formation of marketing innovation policy of the enterprise in the conditions of emergent economy. The essence of the network is revealed as a socio-economic system with embedded links, characterized by a high degree of intensification of links between its individual elements: individuals, firms, non-profit organizations, government agencies and groups. Networking of enterprises is based on the development of cooperation between different types of organizations (production, service, sales, supply, research institutes). It has been proven that no firm has all the resources it needs to be competitive. Therefore, networking is required, so that each company, as a member of the network, will have access to the resources it needs, and their use will provide each entity with an emergent (synergistic) effect. It is revealed that emergence is a property of complex systems, which is generated by the interaction of elements and is not observed in any of them, if we consider each of them separately. At the same time, the task of marketing innovation policy is to use such tools and technologies of organization of innovation processes, by which the reallocation of these resources will be effective.


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