agriculture, production, niche crops and niche products, state financial support, trade, global market, efficiency, small farmsAbstract
Small and medium-sized agricultural producers, and especially farms should consider the possibility of growing niche crops. In Ukraine, the cultivation of niche crops is export-oriented due to the lack of processing facilities and a low level of domestic consumption of these products. This leads to issues related to low production volumes, poor product quality, and difficulties in positioning in foreign markets. The cultivation of niche crops can increase the efficiency of agricultural producers and improve the economic situation in rural areas. This can lead to an improvement in food security and the well-being of the country's population. The main characteristics of niche crops are their ability to be produced on small plots of land, high profitability, lack of competition in the market, the "healthy" nature of the products, and a high proportion of intellectual added value. This integrated approach to niche crop cultivation and the development of export potential can lead to synergy and improved performance for producers, as already mentioned. However, they also have negative traits, such as high labor intensity, situational demand, and the need for a transitional period in production reorientation. The aim of the article is to explore current trends and key features of the domestic niche crop market, taking into account the potential for domestic production and the effectiveness of state financial support. Research Methodology: The following methods were used for the study: theoretical generalization for the analysis of the Ukrainian niche crop market, analysis and synthesis to summarize the reasons hindering the stabilization and development of the industry in conditions of production diversification and export potential, comparative assessment to identify producers by farm size, and graphical and tabular methods for visualizing research results. As a result of the study, an analysis of current trends and key features of the Ukrainian niche crop market was conducted, taking into account the potential for domestic production and the effectiveness of state financial support. Niche crop production in Ukraine was characterized, the dynamics of exports and imports were examined, and an analysis of state financial support for the cultivation of these crops was provided and evaluated. The article systematizes problems in the functioning of niche crops and offers recommendations for their resolution. The presented results are aimed at identifying and disclosing typical features and the most significant issues in the domestic niche crop market that require attention from government authorities, local self-government, producers, exporters, and other stakeholders in agribusiness.
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