



personnel policy, personnel potential, digitization, digital technologies, human resources


The article analyzes the structural changes in the personnel policy of enterprises in the conditions of the development of digital technologies. The influence of modern digital technologies on the personnel policy of enterprises was studied, and the need for adaptation of personnel strategies was also analyzed. In particular, the issue of implementing innovative methods of personnel management, improving the skills of employees in the field of digital technologies, as well as finding and attracting new talented personnel was considered. The functional subsystems of the personnel management system were analyzed, which include: personnel planning and marketing (this subsystem is responsible for forecasting workforce needs and developing personnel recruitment and retention strategies), recruitment management and personnel accounting (aimed at selection, reception, placement and management accounting of employees), management of labor relations (includes regulation of labor relations, resolution of conflicts and ensuring compliance with norms and rules), provision of normal working conditions (focused on creating safe and comfortable conditions for employees), management of personnel development (ensures professional growth and training employees), management of employee motivation (aimed at stimulating productivity and increasing team motivation), management of social development (involved in improving social conditions of employees and development of corporate culture), development of organizational management structure (aimed at optimizing the structure of the organization for effective personnel management), legal support personnel management system (guarantees compliance with legislation in the field of labor), information support of the personnel management system (includes processing and analysis of personnel data for making informed management decisions). Considered the main directions of development of systems for managing conditions of digitalization. The digitization of HR management includes various changes in three key areas: digital workforce, digital workplace and digital HR. Digitization of personnel management opens wide opportunities for improving productivity and efficiency of team work. The use of modern technologies and innovative methods can become a key factor in the competitive struggle in the modern labor market.


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