production, data analysis, technology lifecycle management, Big Data management, production linesAbstract
The relevance of this research is driven by the fact that establishing fundamental principles of industrial management in the context of implementing the "smart factory" system is a highly pertinent task in today's conditions. Therefore, the primary focus of the research lies in exploring the characteristics of industrial management within the framework of utilizing the "smart factory" system. Within the scope of this research, it has been determined that the "smart factory" system represents a significant innovative approach to manufacturing, utilizing cutting-edge technologies to enhance efficiency and quality. However, it has been noted that this approach also gives rise to specific challenges in management. Among the most significant findings of the study, it is worth noting the identification of such characteristics (key aspects) of industrial management in the context of the "smart factory" application, as: specificity of technological integration management, specificity of managing large volumes of data, specificity of cyber security management, specificity of managing corporate culture change, specificity of continuous change management, and a focus on configuring production processes.
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