
  • Hanna Tsymbaliuk Beatitude Vladimir, Metropolitan of Kyiv and all Ukraine Khmelnytskyi Institute of the Private Joint-Stock Company "Higher Education Institution "Interregional Academy of Personnel Management"
  • Antonina Humeniuk Beatitude Vladimir, Metropolitan of Kyiv and all Ukraine Khmelnytskyi Institute of the Private Joint-Stock Company "Higher Education Institution "Interregional Academy of Personnel Management"



market, employment, labor market, regulation, economy


The article establishes that on the path of Ukraine's entry into the globalized economic space, the issues of the regulated labor market are gaining special relevance. At the same time, the economic prerequisites do not contribute to the full realization of its labor potential. The relevance of the article lies in the fact that in modern conditions one of the priority goals for Ukraine has become ensuring decent work and economic growth. In this context, research in the field of the domestic labor market and labor migration acquires special relevance. The purpose of the article is to highlight the main problems of the labor market in Ukraine and its regulation. The main problems in the labor market of Ukraine were studied: the lack of qualified workers, the increase in the number of workers without official registration and with salaries "in envelopes", migration processes will remain a serious problem, especially in the medium and long term, the aging of the population of Ukraine, the issue of education also plays a key role in the formation of human capital, exclusively in conditions of unstable demographic development and the incompatibility of the current state of training of the working population with the needs of the economy. The main tasks of the State on the way to the effective functioning of the labor market are defined: economic freedom (will stimulate economic growth due to the reduction of tax pressure), deregulation of the labor market (gradual departure from Soviet legislation to EU standards can help reduce informal employment), comprehensive reform of labor legislation, state policy on technical and higher education (must be aimed at the promotion and development of labor resources for restructuring and innovative transformations in the national economy), the use of modern approaches and technologies for the collection and analysis of data on the skills of the workforce in various sectors and regions (abilities, experience, willingness professional development, demographic indicators, training needs, etc.), the policy regarding the return of refugees to Ukraine (they will return only under the conditions of adequate remuneration, a non-threatening working environment, an advanced model of development and a high degree of state support). There are certain hopes that these changes will be aimed at providing the population with decent work regardless of their place of residence, stimulating the economic activity of the population, developing and realizing the labor potential, which will become an important factor in economic growth in the future.


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