
  • Oksana Tsimoshynska Educational and Scientific Institute of Management, Economics and Business Private Joint Stock Company "Higher Educational Institution Interregional Academy of Personnel Management"
  • Sviatoslav Khimich Educational and Scientific Institute of Management, Economics and Business Private Joint Stock Company "Higher Educational Institution Interregional Academy of Personnel Management"



digital economy, digital platform, digitalization, digital platform market, protection mechanism


The article analyzes various models of legal regulation of digital platforms and identifies the key problems associated with their functioning. The authors note that legal and state regulation of digital platforms is becoming an extremely important aspect in ensuring a fair and competitive environment for their operation. The diversity of considered models of legal regulation allows countries and international organizations to find optimal solutions for each specific case. The authors found that careful analysis and consideration of these aspects is important for creating an effective and fair system of legal regulation of digital platforms, which will contribute to their sustainable and effective functioning in the modern world. The development of the digital economy requires constant improvement of legal norms to adapt to rapidly changing conditions. Only such flexibility and willingness to innovate can ensure effective regulation of digital platforms in today's global economic environment. An important stage in the regulation of personal data processing is the review of existing approaches, especially taking into account the use of big data technologies. For this, it is necessary to determine the legal regime of the received information and establish organizational, functional and technical requirements for systems and its processing. This step will make it possible to create an effective privacy protection mechanism and ensure the safety of personal data. It is proposed to solve key problems related to the functioning of digital platforms. Which include ensuring equal access to the platform for all users, avoiding the monopolization of digital platform markets, developing new forms of employment through digital platforms and solving issues of taxation of platform operators and their participants. The authors proposed measures that, in aggregate, will help to create an effective and balanced system of legal regulation of digital platforms, which takes into account the specifics of this rapidly changing sector of the economy and will ensure the protection of the interests of all participants in these relations at the state level.


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