direct marketing, customers, organization, digitalizationAbstract
The article examines the nature of the "Direct Marketing" concept, analyzes scientific views on defining its essence by foreign and domestic scientists. The concept of "direct marketing" in the system of measures to stimulate the sale of products (goods, services) in changing economic conditions has been clarified. In order to effectively manage the company's activities, the difference between mass marketing and direct marketing is defined. It has been proven that business entities integrate direct marketing in order to adapt their offers and content to the needs and interests of individual buyers or consumer segments. The static median indicator of return on investment (ROI) obtained with the help of separate channels of direct marketing is considered. The use of modern digital tools and platforms to develop the potential of direct interaction with the consumer, which direct marketing provides, can provide a number of advantages in financial, operational and market aspects. The main functions of direct marketing (information, communication, operational, dynamic, operational, personalization, urgency) are defined, the implementation of which will allow to ensure developed forms of interaction with the target audience and the implementation of transactions. An organizational model of direct marketing in the period of digital transformations has been developed, which includes three blocks: normative and legal, organizational and methodological, and technical support. It is proven that the organization of direct marketing foresees and organizes all the necessary procedures for interaction with each individual consumer and ensures: development and approval of the marketing project; confirmation of persons responsible for the implementation of direct marketing; use and control of compliance with applicable regulatory and legislative documents; search, systematization, processing, data analysis, database formation; production of materials depending on the selected tools of direct marketing (preparation of text for messages, advertisements, development of a layout of a postcard); making contact with a potential buyer, turning to outsourced fulfillment companies, forming a culture of communication in the context of implementing marketing project initiatives.
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