war, labor market, human capital, demographic situation, migrationAbstract
The article discusses the demographic prospects of Ukraine in the context of the current situation and forecasts of its development. The authors of the article analyze the probability of the demographic crisis in Ukraine and its depth due to the influence of several negative factors. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were performed: the current situation in Ukraine, due to objective and subjective factors, was analyzed, and opportunities for improving the demographic situation in Ukraine in the medium and long term were proposed. After gaining independence, the demographic situation in Ukraine has become more complicated: a decline in the birth rate, an aging population, a deterioration in the health of the nation, economic instability in the country, as well as migration processes (more people leave Ukraine than return). And the aggression of the Russian Federation makes irreversible in the short term the tendency to reduce the population in Ukraine. Further integration with the EU will further intensify migration processes, which could lead to the loss of a quarter to a third of Ukraine's population by the middle of the 21st century. Motivating Ukrainian citizens to return from abroad is not an easy task. As a rule, a higher standard of living and the level of remuneration abroad for the same work as in Ukraine, it becomes obvious that a person who "voluntarily and forcedly" lost his job in Ukraine in order to move to a safe place of residence and was able to find a job abroad is unlikely to return to Ukrainian labor market. After disappearance of artificial barriers, Ukrainian men will reunite with their family members abroad and are unlikely to return to Ukrainian labor market. As for children and teenagers, in the near future they may also decide to study abroad in order to obtain a European-style diploma. Ukraine is losing its demographic potential, first, the male population is decreasing. The number of women of fertile age is also decreasing. As a result of the long-term aggression of the Russian Federation, many women were forced to go abroad and built a new life. They no longer need to return and give birth or bring their children to Ukraine. These factors will have a negative impact on the labor market in the future. A separate issue is the development of the territories of Ukraine bordering Russia. If the Russian Federation remains within its borders as of 1991, then even after the Victory, there will be a potential threat of shelling of border settlements of Ukraine from the territory of the Russian Federation. The authors emphasize that it is necessary to take steps to promote Ukrainians to return home after winning the war. Measures are proposed to improve the situation in present and in future.
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