
  • Mykola Palinchak Uzhhorod National University
  • Stanislav Piankov Uzhhorod National University
  • Maxim Yudin Uzhhorod National University



international cooperation, customs, international relations, economy, international treaties


In the changing environment of globalisation and the growing volume of international trade, the concept and essence of international cooperation between countries in the customs area are becoming the subject of careful analysis and study. Despite the obvious importance of such cooperation for improving trade relations and promoting economic development, there are significant problems that call into question the effectiveness and level of cooperation between countries in customs aspects. The study of these and other problems will help to identify ways to optimise international cooperation in the customs area, contributing to the improvement of conditions for the development of effective and sustainable trade relations between countries. The scientific article thoroughly examines the concept and essence of international cooperation of countries in the customs sphere. The key aspects and theoretical definitions of international cooperation are systematically analysed, in particular in the context of customs activities, which are determined by the interaction of international partners in the field of trade and economic relations. The article reveals the main principles and instruments used in the customs sphere to ensure effective international cooperation. Focusing on examples of practical implementation, it examines the interaction of countries in real-life conditions and identifies the factors that influence the success of cooperation in customs aspects. The article can serve as an important contribution to the understanding and improvement of international cooperation in the customs area, contributing to the formulation of proposals for optimising customs control processes and improving trade relations between states. International cooperation in the customs area is primarily international cooperation on economic issues. Currently, it is impossible to imagine a country that does not cooperate with other states on customs policy issues. In accordance with the Regulation on the State Customs Service, the State Customs Service implements the state customs policy and the state policy in the field of combating offences in the application of customs legislation.


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