
  • Kostiantyn Milonushkin Educational and Scientific Institute of Management, Economics and Business Private Joint Stock Company "Higher Educational Institution "Interregional Academy of Personnel Management"



personnel management, strategies, competitiveness, personnel-costs, personnel-resources


Every year, the competitive conditions for personnel management become tougher, which affects the process of forming a business management strategy in general. Personnel management is a complex system that includes continuous training of employees, updating of their knowledge and development of competencies, as well as motivational incentives of personnel for effective work and satisfaction. Personnel management in a competitive environment has a significant impact on ensuring the competitiveness of the enterprise and creating competitive advantages due to the rational use of available intellectual resources and the potential of employees. Today, most enterprises, due to a lack of highly qualified management personnel and an insufficiently flexible company policy regarding the influence of external factors, as well as to the tendency to which they do not have time to respond to rapid changes in the situation on the labor market, to new requirements regarding the mobile reorientation of their own intellectual potential, provide adaptive introduction of modern personnel management technologies as one of the effective levers of influence on the effective development of the enterprise. In competitive conditions, the main attention should be paid to the effective use, organization, stimulation, motivation and training of available human resources, which are potentially capable of significantly strengthening the state of enterprises in the country's economic system, ensuring their sustainable development. The article describes two approaches to the concept of personnel: personnel-costs (forcing, minimization, short planning period, results, quantity, inflexible, dependent) and personnel-resource (expediency, optimization, long planning period, means, results, quality, flexible, off-line). The essence and adaptation of personnel management strategies in a competitive environment are revealed: investment strategy, incentive strategies, engagement strategy. The specific type of effective strategy depends on the economic development of society, its culture, as well as on the industry and size of the enterprise.


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