
  • Vasyl Goi O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv



construction enterprises, intelligent economic system, theoretical-methodological platform, organizational-economic measures, economic, geospatial, security, social factors, economic-mathematical modeling, integral assessment


It has been established that the development and application of an intelligent economic system of construction enterprises is an urgent issue. The work achieved the goal of research on the development and application of an intelligent economic system of construction enterprises, taking into account analytical and practical aspects. The following tasks are solved in the work: determination of measures to improve the efficiency of the development and application of the intelligent economic system of construction enterprises; development of an analytical and practical approach to the formation and use of an intellectual economic system. Proposed directions for the formation and use of the intellectual economic system of construction enterprises in the context of optimizing the creation and application of information and analytical support in relation to economic factors aimed at strengthening the financial condition through the coefficients of: current liquidity; fund returns; turnover of current assets; indices of profitability of sale of construction products; financial autonomy; financial dependence.A quantitative basis for determining the directions and features of interaction of stakeholders in the system of formation and use of the intellectual economic system of construction enterprises with: state authorities; united territorial communities; external control bodies; divisions of construction enterprises that provide internal control; workers; management; owners of construction enterprises; suppliers of goods and material values; contractors; customers of construction products; mass media; internet structures; public organizations; other enterprises and organizations. An analytical-practical approach to the formation and use of an intelligent economic system based on the application of the provisions of the theoretical and methodological platform, modern economic-analytical tools, which allows implementing directions for the implementation of an intelligent economic system to ensure the development of construction enterprises, is proposed. Directions for the formation and application of the intellectual economic system of construction enterprises have been developed, which allow creating the basis for the use of modern tools and the results of evaluation and analysis to ensure the development of business entities in the field of construction.


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