
  • Hanna Hryshchuk State Tax University
  • Sofiia Chepil State Tax University



state budget, taxation, taxes and fees, tax control, tax revenues, tax audits, shadow economy


The article examines the spread of shadow economic activity in Ukraine, which threatens the economic security of the state, reduces tax revenues and distorts the competitive environment. The importance of strengthening tax control, which is an urgent need for detinization of the economy, is analyzed. It has been investigated that the existing system of tax control in Ukraine does not fully meet modern challenges and needs serious reforms and improvements. In this regard, the relevance of the chosen research topic is determined by the need to increase the effectiveness of tax control as an integral component of a comprehensive approach to the detinization of the economy in Ukraine. The task is gaining special attention in the context of the implementation of the BEPS Action Plan, harmonization of domestic legislation with international standards, activation of international cooperation in the field of combating tax evasion and erosion of the tax base. The purpose of the work is to study the essence and role of tax control, to identify its main problems and shortcomings, as well as to develop and substantiate directions for improving tax control procedures in the context of combating the shadow economy in Ukraine. The realization of the research goal determined the formulation and solution of the following tasks: to determine the economic essence of the shadow economy and the reasons for its occurrence; assess the level of the shadow economy in Ukraine; describe the economic essence and role of tax control; identify problems of tax control in Ukraine; justify directions for improving tax control procedures in order to reduce the shadow economy in Ukraine. The object of the study is a set of tax control measures implemented by the controlling authorities with the aim of identifying and countering shadow economic activity in Ukraine. The subject of the study is the theoretical and practical aspects of improving the tax control system in Ukraine as an effective tool for countering the shadow economy. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is general scientific and special methods of learning phenomena and processes. In particular, the research is based on a systematic approach using the following methods: analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, monographic, graphic, systematic, analogy, abstraction, logical methods. The scientific and practical value (novelty) of the obtained research results is as follows: the role of tax control as a tool of detinization of the economy and countering tax evasion schemes in Ukraine has been comprehensively investigated; the activities of control bodies were analyzed and recommendations were made to improve the effectiveness of tax control.


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