

In the modern period, in many countries of the world (USA, Germany, the Netherlands, Great Britain, South Korea, Sweden and others) there is growing interest and demand for digitalization of the knowledge economy, mass transfer of production technologies to a digital basis using artificial intelligence technologies, automated control systems for technological complexes and operational management systems for production processes. In this regard, promising directions for the development of digital economy and automation technologies in this area have been established. An important area where modern digital technologies can be used is labor protection. In particular, 11 different types of technologies are most actively used. For their introduction in the government of the state acts the vice prime minister of digital transformation. Today, a system of automated preliminary and periodic medical observations, a technology for monitoring the health indicators of industrial workers, improving the system of training, retraining, advanced training and conducting trainings, and technologies for monitoring environmental factors have been developed and widely used. To increase the scale of their implementation, the following measures are necessary: training and inclusion in the state of enterprises of specialists in professional skills (IT specialists, organizational psychologists, psychophysiologists and physiologists of labor), creating a network for service and metrological support for the effective functioning of digital economy technologies, preparing relevant regulatory and legal acts and their use in enterprises of various sectors of the economy in the form of labor protection standards.


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