

In the conditions of globalization and European integration of the national economy, requirements for the activity of enterprises change, which necessitates the substantiation of theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation of a mechanism for managing the development of the restaurant business. The article presents the analysis of theoretical approaches to the essence and content of the concept of “mechanism”. According to the results of content analysis, it is substantiated that the mechanism is a set of factors and resources that are in some way connected and structured and aimed at replenishing the energy base of development processes. In the course of the study it is argued that the strength of the energy base of the restaurant business determines the “trajectory” of its movement in the coordinates of “growth / development”. The mechanism of managing the development of the restaurant business is formed on the basis of the implementation of a system of principles (dynamic equilibrium, optimality, variability, fractality, logic, adaptation, systematic, synergism, scientific, information security and sociocultural support), dominant of which, accordingly, the theory of economic growth and balance synergism. Considering the development of the restaurant business in terms of synergetics and from the standpoint of a nonlinear dynamic system, the adaptation and bifurcation models of development are characterized. It is argued that a feature of the adaptation model is the gradual variability of the system’s qualities. During the implementation of the development programs of the restaurant business, areas of bifurcation are formed, which lead to a violation of the stability of the system. After passing the bifurcation point, the system enters a new equilibrium state. In order to model possible trajectories of the restaurant business enterprise development, the basic elements of the evolutionary process of development of the socioeconomic system (fluctuations, bifurcations, attractors) are characterized.


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