
  • Victoriia Yavorska The Lviv Institute of the Private Joint Stock Company “Higher education institution “The Interregional Academy of Personnel Management”



prevention, genocide, criminal law, international criminal law, punishment, criminal procedural law, Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.


Abstract. The importance of preventing the crime of genocide is stipulated in the Convention «On the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide», which defines the obligation of the contracting parties to prevent and punish in the event of genocide. It is necessary to analyze the concept of genocide prevention and the measures used to punish the committed crime of genocide. The purpose of the article is to analyze the concept and meaning of genocide prevention by the state. Since its adoption, the Convention has been recognized as progress for international criminal law, but later questions arise regarding the prevention of the crime of genocide. From the norms of the Convention, it can be concluded that the state has the right to seek assistance in the event of genocide. The International Court of Justice explained the concept of the state's obligation to prevent the commission of the crime of genocide from the standpoint of using all available means to prevent the commission of genocide. Responsibility arises in the event of the impossibility of preventing the commission of genocide. In science, various concepts are known, which provide for preventing the commission of a crime, however, it is most correct to use the concept of «prevention», which is used in accordance with international documents. Prevention of genocide is a set of measures in the state using the provided opportunities for international cooperation, which are aimed at improving social relations with the aim of eliminating negative phenomena and processes that give rise to or contribute to the commission of the crime of genocide, preventing the crime of genocide by preventing armed conflict and improving criminal and criminal justice procedural legislation, which provides for the correct qualification of the committed crime and bringing the guilty to criminal responsibility. The prevention of genocide involves the improvement of the norms of criminal and criminal procedural law, bringing the specified norms of law into compliance with the norms of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.


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How to Cite

Яворська, В. (2024). PREVENTION OF THE CRIME OF GENOCIDE. Expert: Paradigm of Law and Public Administration, (3(31), 50-56.