


discrimination, foreign citizens, international agreements, legal procedures, legal status, court cases, tolerance


The article examines the current topic of participation of foreign citizens in state affairs, focusing on their rights and obligations in the context of international law, domestic legislation of the country, as well as in the aspect of migration, civil, criminal and administrative law. It is noted that foreigners have the right to participate in court proceedings and provides an overview of normative acts that regulate these issues in Ukraine, in particular the Civil Procedure Code. The text deals with the rights and obligations of foreign citizens and stateless persons in Ukraine, as well as their relation to the legal norms that regulate their status and behavior in the country. The procedures for their participation in the judicial proceedings and the conditions under which the courts of Ukraine can consider cases with a foreign element are also considered. Important changes to the legislation of Ukraine concerning the legal status of foreigners and stateless persons, who provided support in protecting the territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine, were indicated. These changes recognize the importance of the contribution of these individuals to the defense of the country and give them the appropriate legal status. This article also deals with the adoption of a norm in legislation that recognizes the contribution of foreigners to the security and defense of Ukraine during the period of complex historical events. This norm is considered a signal of Ukraine's openness and readiness to cooperate with foreign citizens and can stimulate further international cooperation and support. It is also noted that the participation of foreign citizens in public affairs can cause various problems, such as differences in the understanding of legal norms, which can lead to conflicts and misunderstandings. Problems and challenges related to the participation of foreign citizens in state affairs have been identified. . The main problems include: the diversity of understanding of legal norms between foreigners and local residents, which can lead to conflicts and misunderstandings; obstacles to access to justice due to ignorance of local procedures and insufficient support or access to legal representation; complicating the execution of court decisions for foreign citizens, especially if they are outside the country. The need to take a set of measures to solve problems related to the participation of foreign citizens in state affairs was determined. An effective solution to these problems requires an integrated approach and cooperation between state bodies, human rights organizations and target groups of citizens.


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How to Cite

НЕОФІТА, Д. (2024). PARTICIPATION OF FOREIGN CITIZENS IN STATE AFFAIRS: LEGAL ANALYSIS. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Legal Sciences, (1(69), 13-19.