THE EXPRESSING OF INTENTION AFFIRMATION IN V. ZELENSKYY’S SPEECH (based on the speech declared by the President of Ukraine on February 8, 2023 before both houses of the Parliament of Gr eat Britain)




category, affirmation, modality, means of explication, political speech, the president


The article presents the parameters of the explication of affirmative intention in V. Zelenskyy’s speech. It aims to analyze the speech of the Ukrainian President before both houses of the Parliament of Great Britain according to lexical, grammatical and stylistic markers. Scientific novelty. There are no linguistic studies devoted to the analysis of affirmative verbalizers during V. Zelenskyi’s speech in Ukrainian linguistics yet, which determines the relevance and novelty of the proposed linguistic studies. Among the main direct means of expressing the category of affirmation during V. Zelenskyy’s speech, the following are distinguished: 1) the personal pronoun we in combination with verbs of the present tense such as think, know, which realize the intention of informing, reporting, confessing; 2) repeating structures; 3) label forms; 4) conviction markers such as I am sure, I trust; 5) lexeme yes; 6) paranthesis of course; 7) phrases containing the affirmative semantics of a reminder; 8) narrative sentences with intonation specificity; 9) incentive structures; 10) indefinite pronoun every; 11) adverb always; 12) figurative comparisons. Indirect verbalizers of affirmative meaning include: 1) modal verbs will, must, which represent the need, possibility, reality of performing some action; 2) rhetorical questions that contain an emphatic statement and do not require an answer; 3) connecting constructions, with the help of which shades of generalization, concretization, summary, clarification, message, explanation are layered on this additional message and explained through the intention of the statement, which appears from the entire structure of the sentence. In conclusion, the basis of the political speech of the President of Ukraine is generalization, informativeness, logical sequence, reasonableness, conclusiveness, ascertainability, argumentativeness, which are realized by the researched affirmative markers. The perspective of further scientific research can be seen in the aspect of ethnolinguistic research of V. Zelenskyi’s speeches.


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How to Cite

ГУРКО, О. (2023). THE EXPRESSING OF INTENTION AFFIRMATION IN V. ZELENSKYY’S SPEECH (based on the speech declared by the President of Ukraine on February 8, 2023 before both houses of the Parliament of Gr eat Britain). Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Philology, (2 (7), 18-24.