


English, concept, preposition, semantics, Ukrainian


The article is devoted to the study of the semantics of English and Ukrainian spatial prepositions, which form a group of three English (from, out of, off) and two Ukrainian (від, з) prepositions that denote removal. In the article a comparative analysis of the meanings of prepositions and ways of representation of spatial objects of the surrounding world by speakers of two languages reflected in their semantics is made. The relevance of the article is determined by the insufficient study of the problem of researching the meaning of prepositions. The author make an attempt to describe prepositions in the aspect of the integrative approach, which combines a number of traditional linguistic and cognitive approaches to the study of meaning. In addition, a functional approach was used as a component of the integrative approach, which made it possible to achieve a more adequate description of the meaning of spatial prepositions. The aim of the study is to describe and compare the semantics of spatial prepositions «from, out of, off» in English and «від, з» in Ukrainian to reveal the peculiarities of spatial perception of the world by speakers of the two languages. The article considers the most important problems of modern semantics and identifies the peculiarities of semantic characteristics of prepositions. The author of the article analyzed the dictionary definitions of the studied prepositions and described their meanings. The article proves that the analyzed prepositions are multivalent and have a complex semantic structure, as they convey different types of relations between objects and denote different types of space. The content of the concepts actualized by these prepositions goes beyond topology and requires taking into account functional characteristics. The spatial meaning of the prepositions «from», «out of», «off» and «від», «з» is central, and they are the basis for the transition to non-spatial and abstract meanings. The semantics of the analyzed linguistic units is associated with different types of conceptualization of the same spatial relations and objects by native speakers of English and Ukrainian.


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How to Cite

ІСАКОВА, Є. (2023). CONCEPTUALIZATION OF SPATIAL RELATIONS IN ENGLISH AND UKRAINIAN. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Philology, (2 (7), 34-39.