


manipulation, discourse, political discourse, English-language political discourse, stylistic features, philology


English-language political discourse is the subject of study by many scholars, but there is still no single definition of this concept. This fact may indicate the complexity and multifacetedness of political discourse, as well as its importance for understanding political processes. Manipulation in political discourse is a problem of increasing public concern. A growing interest in politics makes people think about how language is used to influence their thoughts and actions. Discourse as a whole is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that is studied not only by linguists, but also by representatives of other sciences, such as sociology, philosophy, sociology, psychology, cognitive meta-anthropology, anthropology of social existence, and philology. Previously, discourse was equated with text, but in modern linguistics these concepts are demarcated. Discourse is not just a text, but also the communicative situation in which it occurs, as well as the knowledge and skills possessed by the participants of communication. In this connection, philological studies of the phenomenon of manipulation in the context of English-language political discourse should be conducted. The purpose of the article is to investigate and analyze the problem of manipulation in the context of English-language political discourse. The realization of the goal involves solving the following tasks: 1) to analyze the phenomenon of manipulation as a problem of English-language political discourse; 2) propose an author’s definition of the term manipulation. Scientific novelty. For the first time, the author proves and proposes the author’s term manipulation in the context of English-language political discourse. Manipulation is one form of the problem of death and immortality of personality, which manifests itself in the conscious and/or unconscious desire to influence other people with the help of English-language political discourse and other types of discourse in order to subjugate other individuals to one’s will, selfish intentions and self-centered desires. Conclusions. The author comes to the conclusion that manipulation in the English-language political discourse is a word with a negative connotation, but in reality it is present in all linguistic expressions. Any successful communication is manipulation, even if it has no negative consequences.


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How to Cite

Ці, Д. (2023). THE PROBLEM OF MANIPULATION IN ENGLISH POLITICAL DISCOURSE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Philology, (3 (8), 5-8.