
  • Olha TREBYK




inversion, scientific and technical translation, translation transformations, genre of speech, scientific style, equivalence


In today’s world of new technologies, global economic cooperation, avalanche-like growth of information and migration flows, climate change and the destruction of the collective security system, the communicative aspects of human existence, the problems of communicative mutual understanding and trust, which also includes international translation problem. The aim of the article was to identify the difficulties of translating English scientific and technical literature, in particular the study of inversion and translation transformations. Scientific novelty. The object of our research was scientific and technical texts of various genres, including scientific articles, reference books, encyclopedias, service instructions and other documentation. The aim of our study is to outline the problem of translation of English-language inverted constructions in connection with the phenomenon of translation transformations and standards of scientific style. This problem is analyzed in the context of the requirements for the translator of scientific and technical texts and language features of this type of messages. The problem of inversion translation is currently being treated using translation transformation tools. As a conclusion, the article emphasizes the need to revise the current language standards of scientific style in Ukraine in the direction of strengthening its communicative abilities and targeted action. This goal, of course, will contribute to inverted sentences, which add to the expression and expressive expressiveness and logical emphasis. At the same time, it is argued that the means of expression in a scientific text play only an additional role and do not eliminate the leading features of the scientific style. However, the most important conclusion is that you need to consider what function the inversion performs in each case. Inversion in English is not always an emphatic tool. It is sometimes used to emphasize the logical connection between sentences.


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How to Cite

ТРЕБИК, О. (2021). DIFFICULTIES IN TRANSLATING ENGLISH SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL LITERATURE: INVERSION AND TRANSLATION TRANSFORMATIONS. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Philology, (1 (1), 35-42. https://doi.org/10.32689/maup.philol.2021.1.6