implicit meaning, Internet discourse, information, advertising, text, advertisement, linguistic meansAbstract
The article contains a linguistic interpretation of the texts of private advertisements on the OLX platform regarding features that were not described in the plane of communicative and cognitive properties of human discursive activity. The goal is to characterize implicitness in the texts of private Internet advertisements in pragmatic, cognitive, and linguistic aspects. The author systematizes messages with implicit information, analyzes the linguistic means used by individuals to actualize implicitness and reveals the dependence of the means of expression on pragmatic factors. The article is aimed at discussing the mechanisms of generating texts of private advertising nature. Scientific novelty. For the first time, the research is focused on studying individual aspects of the implicit content of non-business advertisements on the OLX platform. The acuteness of the problem is determined by the genre feature when the text is oriented both to the search for a potential buyer and to the establishment of interpersonal contact. Implicitness involves content-subtextual information not presented directly but perceived by the buyer. The addressee must be ready to decipher the implicit meaning, so he should pay attention to linguistic and non-linguistic signs. The analysis is based on two types of implicitness: situational and strategic. After analyzing a number of private messages, they established a connection between the manifestation of implicit information and the functions of specific language units. It was found out: at the lexical level, implicitness is actualized by personal and adjectival pronouns, firm names, emotional and evaluative vocabulary, vocabulary of background knowledge; on syntactic ‒ monosyllabic, exclamatory, nominative sentences, rhetorical questions, and persuasive constructions. Implicit ad content is implemented at the level of a separate sentence or the entire text. To successfully decipher the meaning, the recipient applies knowledge about the extralinguistic context and background knowledge. Conclusions. Implicitness has an ambiguous nature, but strong reasons for action. The cognitive and language levels, together with the pragmatic level, create the structure of a person’s linguistic personality, which in the formed text may leave part of the content unexpressed, but communicatively aware.
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