



Dialogue process, Philosophy of dialogue, Active-centered subtype, Dialogue, Interdisciplinary status


The article explores the linguistic personality as a participant in educational discourse can actively function only on the basis of dialogicity. The interdisciplinary status of the problem of self-realization leads to a variety of interpretations of this concept, but common key points can be identified in them. One of these points is the conditionality of self-realization by communication with other people, as pointed out by some contemporary researchers, thus drawing attention to the communicative aspect of the problem, which is currently not sufficiently understood. The philosophy of dialogue explores the attitude of a person to another person, which can be embodied in two types: the relationship of alienation (defined by the formula «I – It», which means the attitude to a person as a thing) and the relationship of dialogue «I – You». The relationship of «I – You» implies a partnership, recognition of the other as an equal person, since dialogue is a conversation with an attempt to understand the interlocutor without imposing one’s own thoughts and judgments on him/her. The philosophy of dialogue explores the attitude of a person to another person, which can be embodied in two types: the relationship of alienation (defined by the formula «I – It», which means the attitude to a person as a thing) and the relationship of dialogue «I – You». The «I – You» relationship implies a partnership, recognition of the other as an equal person, since dialogue is a conversation with an attempt to understand the interlocutor without imposing one’s own thoughts and judgments on him or her. We can note that dialogicity in higher education is significant if it is implemented in accordance with the needs of higher education students and the professionalism of research and teaching staff. Dialogue based on tolerance contributes to the formation and development of students’ «behavioral repertoire». The notion of behavioral repertoire proposed by I.V. Burdeina implies getting into the role of a specialist, the possibility of choice, making one’s own decisions, forming conscious responsibility, and realizing the goal. If we pay attention to the peculiarities of dialogue in higher education institutions, we can note that the effectiveness of dialogue directly depends on the skills of the academic staff member. For example, a teacher adapts the material for better student perception, selects visuals, creates multimedia presentations, thus improving not only the level of student understanding of the material, but also provides the necessary feedback to them. This is not a «one-way street», it is the realization of the following principlesThe modern transformation of the system of value opportunities for self-realization and the choice of ways of manifesting individuality leads to a tendency to increase the options for social interaction, the inner world of a person with the external social reality. According to G. O. Ball, through the acquisition of competencies (specific to different fields of science) and through the disclosure of purely individual creative potentials, a personality can go beyond the assimilation of “universal knowledge and values at the abstract level” and perceive them as subjectively significant for him or her in a specific work activity. This, above all, creates a chance for them to make an important contribution to their affirmation and concretization. To this end, various higher education institutions hold scientific conferences, colloquia, and seminars that contribute to the harmonious development of the individual and influence his or her formation. Dialogue in this context is a means of self-development of a person and society, because the scientific work of a higher education student is one of the manifestations of self-realization in the context of learning.


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How to Cite

ЛЯШЕНКО, С. (2024). DIALOGUE AS A MEANS OF SELF-REALIZATION. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Philology, (1 (11), 38-42. https://doi.org/10.32689/maup.philol.2024.1.7