


alexithymia, ludomania, addictive behavior, gaming addiction, psychopathology.


The article is devoted to the study of alexithymia as a predictor of a high probability of the occurrence of ludomania. The purpose of the article is to study and systematically analyze the relationship between alexithymia and the development of ludomania. Methodology. To achieve the goal, a theoretical method was used, which includes the analysis of scientific sources, systematization and generalization of existing empirical data on the subject of research. In addition, structural modeling, classification and comparative analysis were used as part of the methodology. These methods made it possible to deeply analyze and evaluate the existing data, to reveal connections and patterns in the study of the interaction between alexithymia and ludomania Scientific novelty. A detailed model of the formation of gaming addiction under the influence of alexithymia is proposed, according to which game addiction is formed as a compensatory response / reaction) to the state of emotional distress inherent in the carrier of the alexithymic radical and manifests itself in the form of a pronounced state of chronic, intense and, at the same time, little-aware emotional discomfort, a significant predominance of negative affectivity over positive. Conclusions. The study confirms the deep connection between alexithymia and the development of pathological gambling addiction, which is reflected in the high probability of ludomania. Alexithymia, characterized by difficulty in recognizing and expressing emotions, creates the basis for the development of compulsive behavioral patterns, including gambling addiction. Effective overcoming and prevention of such addiction require an integrated approach that combines an understanding of the individual’s psychological characteristics with effective methods of treatment and prevention. Special attention should be paid to psychotherapy focused on the emotional sphere of patients, which can reduce the impact of alexithymia on the development of ludomania and other forms of addictive behavior.


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How to Cite

САЛЬНИКОВА, А. (2024). ALEXITHYMIA AS A PREDICTOR OF A HIGH PROBABILITY OF LUDOMANIA. Modern Medicine, Pharmacy and Psychological Health, (5(14), 122-128.