border mental disorders, children, border cognitive deficitsAbstract
Formulation of the problem. Neurotic disorders in younger school-age children require an appropriate correction. It is important to understand the pathogenesis of the disease for this purpose. In line with the biopsychosocial paradigm of mental disorders, attention was drawn to the cognitive function of children with marginal psychiatric disorders, since results from the Wexler test showed their underestimation.
Analysis of recent research and publications. In scientific studies of boundary mental disorders, special attention is paid to emotional conflicts, the state of the emotional sphere, characteristics of temperament, emotional and behavioral disturbances.
Formulating the purpose of the article. The aim is to analyze the indicators of cognitive sphere among children of elementary school age with border mental disorders.
Presenting main material. The analysis of the clinic and the indicators of verbal and nonverbal intelligence was performed on the Wexler test for 133 children of elementary school age with border mental disorders. The results of the study showed the presence of boundary cognitive deficits in most children with borderline mental disorders. In patients with neurosis-like disorders, there was a boundary cognitive deficit in relation to verbal and nonverbal intelligence; in children with emotional-behavioral disorders, the boundary cognitive deficiency concerned mainly verbal intelligence, whereas in the case of neurotic disorders, there was no such difference, and the indicators of intelligence, in general, were higher than in the other two groups.
Conclusions and perspectives of further research. Necessary tolerant attitude of parents and teachers to the individual peculiarities of children's intelligence development. It is likely that cognitive-behavioral therapy acts positively on patients with emotional and behavioral disorders, as it promotes the development of the verbal component of communication of children-patients with verbal cognitive deficits.
Вдосконалення психіатричної допомоги дітям в Україні (концепція) // Електронний ресурс.- режим доступу:
Мєшков В.М. Деякі аспекти моніторингу та профілактики психічного здоров’я дітей та підлітків в освітніх закладах / В.М. Мєшков // Психічне здоров’я. – 2008. – №3-4(20-21). – С.53-60.
Большая психологическая энциклопедия // Електронний ресурс.- режим доступу: