
  • Oleksandr Mykolaiovych Makarenko The Private Joint-Stock Company Higher Educational Institution Interregional Academy of Personnel Management
  • O.P. Yashna National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


child, method, neurofitness, neuropsychiatry


Formulation of the problem. The volume of the problems, which arose for today in child psychoneurology lead to the serious consequences of upbringing, development and education of the future generation. So, among non-pharmacological agents of psychoneurocorrection the physical activity in the form of the therapeutic physical training has been admitted but in scientific literature there was no information on neurofitness as a complex restoration agent in childhood. Analysis of recent research and publications. The main scientific research on the specified subject is presented in the works of T.A. Dobrokhotova, M.M. Bragina, D. Heth, R. Mayo, V.A. Semenovich, L.S. Tsvetkova, et al. The authors have identified the features of manifestations of brain lesion asymmetry and correctional methods of work. Wording of purpose. The aim of this article is the theoretical analysis of the features of neurofitness techniques for applicatione in child psychoneurocorrection. Presenting main material. The fundamental causes of psychoneurogenic pathologies at early age have been reported. Structural and functional links of the lesion at the level of the child’s organism have been theoretically analyzed. The methods of neurofitness, supporting restoration of the nervous system and providing the conditions of its developing and overcoming secondary deviations, have been determined and generalized. Conclusions and perspectives of further research. The use of neurofitness allows increasing the neurodynamics of innervation processes of the nervous activity; it is an important aspect of the nervous system development in childhood and psychosomatic health restoration. The further influence of the cognitive load will be investigated by the neurofitness agents for the functional system of the human organism.


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How to Cite

Макаренко, О. М., & Яшна, О. (2021). THEORETICAL JUSTIFICATION OF THE USE OF NEUROFITNESS AS A METHOD OF CHILD NEUROPSYCHOCORRECTION. Modern Medicine, Pharmacy and Psychological Health, (1), 82-92. Retrieved from


