rehabilitation, social policy, medical reform, combatants, health care, military personnel, public managementAbstract
This article addresses the pertinent issues related to the integration of the Ukrainian Armed Forces' healthcare system into the country's unified healthcare framework. Given the current political geography and strategic objectives of Ukraine, this matter is increasingly relevant. The paper discusses the challenges and problems associated with integrating military and civilian healthcare systems in the context of military conflict or disaster. Special attention is paid to the discrepancies in the structures and functions of these systems. A primary concern is ensuring effective communication and coordination between military and civilian communities. This is crucial for the successful amalgamation of the medical system with the national security framework. The significance of this integration lies in its ability to provide effective medical aid in military conflicts and emergency situations. The work aims to analyze key aspects of interaction, identify challenges and obstacles arising in the process of uniting the efforts of medical structures to ensure optimal medical service levels in military conflicts and emergencies. The article thoroughly examines the organizational, logistical, and communicational difficulties impacting the efficiency of joint operations. It also highlights the importance of developing integrated strategies for improving service quality. Recommendations for improving the interaction between military and civilian medical provisions are formed. Special emphasis is placed on the application of integrated approaches to emergency response planning and the development of joint medical practices. This article is not only of theoretical significance to professionals in medical administration, military management, and public health but also holds practical importance for the further development of integration and coordination of medical efforts to ensure national security and the health of citizens. The objective of this work is to highlight the current state of affairs, examining key contentious points, and to consider potential directions for addressing this issue.
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