



maxillofacial disorders, orofacial myofunctional disorders, perioral muscles, orthodontic treatment


Introduction. The relationship between myofunctional abnormalities and orthodontics is complex and still not fully understood. The change in the position of the jaws during oral breathing is one of the serious problems in the development of the maxillofacial structures and is accompanied by certain morphological, functional and aesthetic changes: a violation of the dynamic balance of the circular muscle of the mouth and tongue, which affects a number of functions of the child: there are violations of the function of the external breathing, chewing, swallowing and speech functions. Several studies have examined this relationship and found that orthodontic treatment can improve orofacial function in patients with myofunctional abnormalities. Treatment of orofacial myofunctional disorders gives the most successful results with close interaction of the clinician, child, parents, patient and dentist. Purpose: based on the analysis of literary sources, to assess the current state of the problem of orofacial myofunctional disorders in patients with dento-jaw disorders and methods of their elimination. We set a goal to improve the treatment process of children and adolescents with an open bite and to establish the results of treatment with standard myofunctional devices of the EF line system in combination with a set of myogymnastics exercises for the condition of the maxillofacial system and restoration of orofacial muscle strength. Materials and methods. Information search and analysis of scientific sources was carried out using scientometric databases Web of Science, PubMed, Google Scholar over the last 10 years. Conclusion. Having analyzed the data of literary sources, it becomes obvious that the development of an individualized approach to the choice of the concept of orthodontic treatment of patients with orofacial myofunctional disorders is important, taking into account the state of the functional links of the dental and jaw apparatus as a whole and in a specific clinical case, which determines the continuation of scientific research in this direction. Our comprehensive treatment of growing patients with the help of mechanically acting mandibular devices in combination with myofunctional therapy using standard functionally acting EF Line devices with the addition of myogymnastics exercises to strengthen the circular muscle of the mouth demonstrated the restoration of a physiological bite. And the data of the studies demonstrated the restoration of the strength of contractions of the circular muscle of the mouth.


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How to Cite

ЩЕРБИНА, Т., & ЛИХОТА, К. (2024). OROFACIAL MYOFUNCTIONAL DISORDERS IN PATIENTS WITH MAXILLOFACIAL DISORDERS (LITERATURE REVIEW). Modern Medicine, Pharmacy and Psychological Health, (1(15), 77-85. https://doi.org/10.32689/2663-0672-2024-1-14