rehabilitation, reflexotherapy, «balancing hexagrams» method, reproductive disorders, infertilityAbstract
The article is devoted to one of the important problems – complex treatment of infertility. And although this problem can be overcome only with a comprehensive approach – the joint efforts of reproductive medicine doctors, the task of a reflexotherapy doctor is to prepare the patient «energetically» for a successful in vitro fertilization procedure, or for some other special technique. Complex treatment using reflextherapy methods has been used for a long time, not only in the case of neurological diseases, but also in various psychosomatic disorders, which can be an obstacle to the onset of pregnancy complex approach was used to treat a patient with infertility in particular the method of «balancing hexagrams». Purpose. To consider the peculiarities of the use of reflexotherapy according to the method of «balancing hexagrams» in the complex rehabilitation of patients with reproductive disorders. Scientific novelty. For the first time in our country, the technique of compiling acupuncture prescriptions and acupuncture using the method of «balancing hexagrams» was used in the complex rehabilitation of patients with reproductive disorders. Methods. We consider one clinical case of the use of reflexotherapy using the method of «balancing hexagrams» in the complex rehabilitation of a patient with infertility. The used methods of clinical objective examination, the syndromal diagnosis method of traditional Chinese medicine, the pulse diagnosis method, and the tongue diagnosis method are shown. The method of making an acupuncture prescription according to the method of «balancing hexagrams» is discussed in detail and concretely in this case. Results. As a result of treatment using the method of «balancing hexagrams», the repeated procedure of in vitro fertilization was successfully completed, pregnancy occurred and ended with the birth of a healthy child. Conclusions. 1. Patients with reproductive disorders are seen in the practice of a reflexologist. 2. The use of the acupuncture method «balancing hexagrams» can be effective in the complex of treatment measures for reproductive disorders.
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