technological innovations; market trends; sustainable production; digitalization in pharmacyAbstract
The purpose of the study is to investigate innovative technologies used to create medicines in Ukrainian pharmaceutical companies, their impact on the competitiveness of companies in the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market during the war, to determine the effectiveness of digital technologies used in the development of medicines, and to search for alternatives. Methodology. The article uses a theoretical approach, including analysis of scientific sources, systematisation and generalisation of existing empirical data on the object of study, as well as their comparison. Results. The article analyses the published data on the use of innovative technologies and computer programs in the development and production of medicines by scientists of Ukrainian scientific institutions. It was found that Ukrainian scientists often use the PASS software for structural and pharmacological analysis of synthesised substances and study of the influence of their chemical structure on the manifestations of biological activity, which allows predicting the spectrum and magnitude of activity of the investigated biologically active compounds, as well as their specific toxicity, which significantly accelerates the further stages of research of a new molecule. It also facilitates faster development of quality control method projects and obtaining patents for inventions and utility models. Scientific novelty. Other programs that can automatically evaluate the chemical structure and biological effects of synthesised molecules and data on the development of artificial intelligence programs to predict the activity spectrum of synthesised molecules have been identified. However, no information was found on the use of these programs among researchers in Ukraine, in particular during martial law. Conclusions. During a state of emergency, digital technologies become more important than ever, as they allow companies in all sectors to increase efficiency through improved productivity, stronger competitive skills, more accurate planning and forecasting, and financial efficiency. Today, the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market cannot exist without the introduction of new technologies, including the development of medicinal substances. The development of innovative technologies and their widespread application can play a key role in increasing competitiveness by increasing productivity, which in turn will lead to an increase in market presence.
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