morphometric indexes, kidneys, offspring, experiment, chronic genitourinary system inflammatory process caused by Streptococcus pyogenesAbstract
Introduction. The article is devoted to the urgent problem such as a development of nephropathology in offspring born from mothers with exacerbation of chronic genitourinary system inflammatory process during pregnancy, which provided the basis for conducting an experimental research to study the morphometric indexes of offspring kidneys at different times after birth. The aim of the study is to characterize the influence of experimental maternal chronic genitourinary system inflammatory process caused by uroisolate of Streptococcus pyogenes on the dynamics of changes in morphometric indexes of offspring kidneys. Material and methods. The material for morphological research was the kidneys of rats from the control and experimental groups. The morphometric method was used to objectify the results of the study. The width of nephrogenic zone of cortical layer in newborn rats, the width of cortical layer and the numerical density of glomeruli in all age categories were determined in kidney preparations stained with hematoxylin and eosin by videomicroscopic morphometry using the Olympus DP-Soft program (Version 3:1) and Microsoft Excel. Research results and their discussion. In 7-day-old rats of the experimental group, the kidneys had a thin fibrous capsule, under which the cortical and medulla layers were visualized, the border between them was unclear. In the cortical layer, a wide neurogenic zone was detected in the subcapsular area, which included immature glomeruli and tubules, diffusely located poorly differentiated cells, immune cells and fibroblasts, collagen fibers, and undifferentiated vessels. The average width of the nephrogenic zone was 169.2±4.04 μm. In 1-month-old rats, the fibrous capsule of the kidneys was thickened. The thickness of the cortical layer increased compared to the previous period, mainly due to the tubular apparatus. The average width of the cortical layer was 589.20±12.83 μm. The density of the glomeruli was lower, and their sizes were larger compared to the kidneys of 7-day-old rats of the experimental group. In 2-month-old rats of the experimental group, microscopically in the kidneys the width of the cortical layer increased due to the growth of mainly tubules. The average value of the width of the cortical layer was 960.798±25.35 μm. In most fields of view, the glomeruli were evenly located, agglomerular areas were rarely found. Conclusions. Chronic genitourinary system inflammatory process of maternal rats, caused by Streptococcus pyogenes, causes a complex of pathological changes in all components of the renal tissue in the offspring. In all age groups, a significant decrease in the width of the cortical layer as a whole, an increase in the numerical density of glomeruli in the field of view is observed, and in 7-day-old rats, a significantly greater width of the nephrogenic zone is noted compared to the corresponding indexes in control group, which shows severe inhibition of nephrogenesis. The pathological changes in the glomerular, tubular apparatus and stromal component of the kidneys appear similar, but the degree of severity of alterative, dyscirculatory, inflammatory-proliferative changes decreases with increasing age of the animals, but fibrous changes in the stromal component become more widespread.
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