


psychological barrier, functions and mechanisms of psychological barriers, psycho-emotional states


The training activities of athletes in rhythmic gymnastics include, in addition to physical, technical, tactical and psychological training, the development of psychological readiness and the formation of psychological competencies and skills to overcome psychological barriers in training and competition. The article analyzes the solution to the problem of psychological barriers in connection with the urgency of finding ways to improve the effectiveness of sports training activities of the individual. In the context of the identified research problem, it is determined that the issue of psychological barriers covers such scientific problems as: theoretical and historical situation of studying psychological barriers in the scientific literature; subjective perception of psychological barriers; psychological barriers as a resource to motivate personal development. The functions of psychological barriers are: 1) adaptive; 2) regulatory, serving as motivators of personal activity. In the psychology of sports barriers (difficulties, obstacles) are characterized by the action of external factors – subject (obstacle course) climatic (headwind, humidity); and the influence of socio-psychological factors – motivation of psychomotor activity in training activities, personal psychological readiness to train and participate in competitions, mastery of self-organization/self-mobilization techniques and strategies of psycho-emotional selfregulation, etc. The purpose of the article is to theoretically study psychological barriers, difficulties in training and competitive activities of athletes in rhythmic gymnastics, analysis of factors and mechanisms of their occurrence. Conclusions. It is determined that the concept of “psychological barrier” is interpreted as a mental state of the individual that prevents the performance of certain actions and is manifested in passivity, apathy, resistance of the subject. It was found that the emergence of psychological barriers of athletes is due to: a) the action of objective and subjective factors; b) the degree of psychological readiness for training and competitive activities; c) personal qualities. Psychological barriers in the training and competitive activities of athletes in rhythmic gymnastics arise and are formed as internal supports or protective reactions, which are based on the mechanism of occurrence and formation of conditioned-reflex connections of psycho-emotional reactions in predicting the action of subjective or objective stimuli (fear of holding the subject, the judges’ assessment, the coach’s reaction, the audience’s opinion, etc.), which are important for the gymnast.


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How to Cite

КАЙЗЕРОВА, А. (2022). PSYCHOLOGICAL BARRIERS TRAINING AND COMPETITIVE ACTIVITIES ATHLETES IN ARTISTIC ACTIVITY. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Psychology, (3 (52), 51-55.