


information and communicative technologies, information influence, personality, information competence, age, maturity


The article highlights the results of scientific research in the field of media psychology. The purpose of the article is to the outline of the age characteristics of information competence in the conditions of information influence. We analyzed the mechanisms of perception of information and changes that occur with people in the context of a modern tempo of life. Methodology. The theoretical analysis of various views on the phenomenon of information influence has allowed to find out the branching of interpretations. The isolation of its own working interpretation of concept of “information influence” and obtaining the results of empirical research is a scientific novelty of this work. The advantages and disadvantages of regular use ICT were outlined, as well as age differences in the processes of information processing. It is found out that the latest technologies can contribute to deepening knowledge about values and rules in communication. The concept of “information competence” as a ability that is necessary for effective existence in the information society is substantiated. Conclusions. The paper found out that the ability to cognitive recycling of social information is formed through a system of basic beliefs that can subsequently change, new ones appear. However, an adult has a stronger conviction and it is more difficult to adapt to the new environmental conditions. This feature and becomes decisive for the emergence of various kinds of fraud in the Internet, which an adult is not always capable of noticed, analyze and protect themselves. The confirmation of our considerations was obtained during the survey according to the method “Information competence of the individual”. The obtained data and their processing using the criterion of Kruskal-Wallis have allowed to assert that there are significant differences in the abilities of different age groups. The knowledge gained in the course of writing an article prompted to new reflections and outline plans for further scientific research and development, such as an educational program for adults in the field of information hygiene.


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How to Cite

КУЗІНА, Є. (2022). AGE FEATURES OF INFORMATION COMPETENCE IN THE CONDITIONS OF INFORMATION INFLUENCE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Psychology, (3 (52), 63-67.