


youth, youth groups, prevention, extremism, radicalism, teenagers, social environment.


Under the influence of negative social, economic and many other factors, young citizens of the country are most prone to the destructive influence of society. Radical views and beliefs are easier to form among young people. The country's youth joins informal, criminal, extremist and terrorist groups, which in turn use young people for their economic, political and social interests. Due to their social characteristics and perceptions of the environment, youth groups are part of society. Statistics indicate that members of youth groups generally include minors, young people and young people. Members of youth groups can be both young men and women, who due to socio – psychological, demographic and physiological characteristics are most prone to radical sentiments. Purpose. To consider the concepts and definitions of extremism, radicalism in the youth environment, types and forms of extremist activity. The aim of the article is to consider the factors that contribute to the emergence and spread of extremism among young people. The aim of the article is also to consider the types of prevention of extremism among young people. Methods. Theoretical analysis of scientific literature, analysis of scientific research in the direction of radical groups among young people. Results. The article considers the theoretical concepts of radicalism, extremism, etc., according to the stated topics, identifies types of preventive work among young people, which is aimed at preventing and preventing negative manifestations in the youth environment. Conclusions. The analysis of the scientific literature allowed understanding in more detail the concepts of extremism and radicalism, to determine its impact on the social environment and youth. Types and forms of extreme activity are considered. After careful study of the stated topics, we identified types of preventive activities aimed at preventing radicalism among young people and youth groups. The article also defines the range of people who can be involved in prevention work among young people.


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How to Cite

МАКАРОВА, О. ., & ЧЕРВОНИЙ, П. (2022). PREVENTION OF RADICALISM AMONG YOUTH GROUPS. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Psychology, (1 (54), 55-60.