


The research is dedicated to identifying ways of optimization and determinants of changes in psychological condition of co-dependant women who have suffered from domestic abuse, by means of social and psychological correction. The assertiveness training was modified; a complex intervention model was developed; and selection of test methods was performed to evaluate the women’s condition dynamics. Dynamics of the following indicators was analyzed: “self-confidence”, “anxiety”, “self-actualization”, “self-esteem” in women in the course of correction methods application. The research shows the impact of individual short-term targeted psychotherapy on affective side of “I-concept” (level of anxiety, confidence).


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How to Cite

ВАКУЛІЧ, Т. М. (2022). ОСОБЛИВОСТІ СІМЕЙНИХ СТОСУНКІВ У РОДИНАХ СПІВЗАЛЕЖНИХ. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Psychology, (1 (20), 134-139. Retrieved from https://journals.maup.com.ua/index.php/psychology/article/view/1724