




educational activity, determinants of successful educational activity, military higher education institution, military preparation, personality-oriented approach, problem-dialogue interaction.


The article examines issues related to specific aspects of preparing students at military higher education institutions. The extraordinary relevance of researching this problem in the context of active military operations on our country's territory is substantiated. The main differences in the organization of the educational process between civilian and military higher education institutions are analyzed. It is noted that the preparation of future officers requires a specific approach due to the simultaneous compliance with educational standards and special requirements for training of military professionals contained in the governing documents of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In this context, attention is focused on the percularities of concept interpretation of "educational activity" and its content. It is suggested to consider it from the perspective of a personality-oriented and student-centered approach, which is fundamental in the interdisciplinary methodological model of modular-developmental learning. Its main advantage lies in the idea that educational activity is perceived as a continuous interaction of participants in the educational process during which they not only exchange knowledge, skills, and abilities but also their own experience in solving complex personal and professional tasks and problems that require compound moral or ethical choices. In this regard, the cadet has the opportunity not only to acquire particular professional competencies but also in order to make them personally significant. Considering the high demands on the personality of a future officer, when they must not only perform their professional duty but also be responsible for the life and health of subordinates, such a position is most acceptable and corresponds to the main requirements of military higher education institutions. Thus, external and internal factors that influence the success of students' educational activity have been identified. Among the external factors, priority is given to specifically created psycho-pedagogical conditions of the educational institution based on the principles of problem-solving and dialogue. The internal factors are associated with the need for an adequate level of development of personal characteristics such as motivation for learning, responsibility, self-regulation, etc.


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How to Cite

НЕСТЕРЕНКО, Ю. (2023). EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL DETERMINANTS OF SUCCESSFUL EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY OF MILITARY HIGHER EDUCATION STUDENTS. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Psychology, (2(58), 25-30. https://doi.org/10.32689/maup.psych.2023.2.4