


active social-psychological cognition (ASPC), archaisms, in-depth cognition, participation mechanism, pralogical thinking


Scientific and practical research was carried out within the framework of the group approach “Active Social-Psychological Cognition”. Understanding the psyche in its integrity (conscious/ unconscious) is the basis of the ASPC method. The methodology is based on the functioning of pro-humanistic principles, which contribute to the orientation of the group process to the cognition of the phenomenon of the psyche. The main law of the psychodynamic theory is “positive disintegration of the psyche and its secondary integration at a higher level of mental development of the subject”, which contributes to more relevant understanding of the ASPC diagnostic and corrective practice. The psychodynamic paradigm contributes to the improvement of theory and practice to ensure the relevance of the toolkit used for the cognition of the human psyche in its integrity. The purpose of the paper is to reveal the participation mechanism, which ensures the objectification of mental information by violating the physical laws of the earthly world. Scientific novelty. Participation is the leading mechanism of a person's pralogical thinking, which can ignore contradictions. Due to this fact important (essential) information is transmitted in its individualized (unique) form. Conclusions. Pralogical thinking expands beyond limits the space for the activity of the mechanism of participation (complicity) of objects in order to transmit information essential for the self-presentation of the psyche. At the same time it should be noted that complicity is the language of the unconscious. That is why it is more efficient to study it on the visualized material, which is based on the symbolization of reality. Pralogical thinking does not avoid contradictions (which is characteristic for the logical thinking), it is completely neutral to them, and this is the leading characteristic of the participation mechanism, which through amazing complicities (from the point of view of nature) conveys certain psychological contents. The participation mechanism expresses the meaning of the image not directly, but indirectly, contextually, which is why each time we deal not with an unambiguous meaning of the picture, but at least with a twofold one. We have grounds to conclude that pralogical thinking, through the psyche visualization process, objectifies the personal problems of the subject (internal stabilized contradictions), due to deviations from reality, which indicates the maladaptation of a person in society.


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How to Cite

ТКАЧЕНКО, К. (2023). PRALOGICAL THINKING AND PARTICIPATION MECHANISM AIN THE PROCESS OF IN-DEPTH COGNITION OF THE PSYCHE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Psychology, (3(59), 33-38.