emotional stability, positive relationships with others, sensitivity to others, balance of affect, selfcontrol.Abstract
The article examines the relationship between a person’s emotional stability and his/her ability to create and maintain positive relationships with other people. The article purpose is to study correlations between a person’s emotional stability and his/her interpersonal relationships depending on respondents’ gender and age. Research methods. Two indicators were used to study interpersonal relationships: the “positive relationship with others” indicator according to C. Riff’s six-factor model of psychological well-being and the “sensitivity to others” indicator from the Autonomy-Relatedness Test. Two indicators were selected to study emotional stability – the balance of affect (N. Bradburn”s Affective Balance Questionnaire) and “control” indicator from S.Maddi’s survey examining hardiness. Conclusions: Age and gender differences in this relationship were found. Women’s emotional stability depends to a greater extent on their positive, equal and friendly relationships with other people. Men’s emotional stability can also be based on positive relationships with others, but to a lesser extent. Excessive sensitivity to others manifested by some women indicates certain signs of increased neuroticism, which generally has a negative effect on emotional stability. Positive relationships with others, an existing wide range of such relationships has a positive effect on the emotional stability of people of all ages. For young people who have already left the learning stage, it is especially important to learn to control their own lives, including their own emotions, to achieve emotional stability. Therefore, at this age the ability not to fall under the influence of others, the ability to reduce sensitivity to others, to the views, beliefs, opinions of others in order to form their own mature worldview, to control their emotions is especially important, sometimes even more important than a positive relationship. The obtained results will help to develop and maintain people’s emotional stability in the difficult times of war in our country.
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