

The article deals with the main aspects of marketing pricing of industrial enterprises in the market of agricultural machinery with the use of modern agro technologies. The basic laws and principles of work of foreign companies in Ukraine have been identified, as well as methods of marketing pricing have been developed taking into account the specifics of the agricultural machinery production market in Ukraine. The notion of “technical service” as an integral part of the marketing pricing of the enterprise is substantiated. Conclusions. The domestic market of agricultural machinery is considered to be one of the most promising in the world with a significant number of products under various brands of both foreign and domestic production. However, domestic equipment is not in great demand in the domestic market, which makes it necessary for manufacturers to search for foreign markets. Imported machinery occupies the vast majority of the market of agricultural machinery from the standpoint of high quality, technological features, and, accordingly, cause demand from consumers. The increase in prices in agricultural engineering is mainly due to such components of the cost of equipment as raw materials, purchased components, fuel, energy. In the distribution network of agricultural machinery, the price growth index is much higher, which is due to the desire of economic entities to maximize their profits. On the development of a market economy, this acts as a strong motivation for production and is assessed, in general, positively. However, without proper regulation, destructive disparities and trends can arise. This leads to the conclusion that approaches to pricing in the economic activity of agricultural machinery and the market of technical means in agriculture are mainly based on the cost principle, with a general trend of pricing in agricultural machinery to reduce the cost part of the price. But while maintaining this approach, Ukrainian machine builders need state assistance in the direction of subsidies for raw materials and energy resources, materials and components, service, and so on. With this in mind, the marketing activities of domestic agricultural machinery enterprises and their pricing policy should be formed.


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