

A comprehensible to every citizen solution of the problem of power and citizens uniting around a unified state of socio-economic development strategy is proposed. The conception of “self-realization” from three point of view is considered: philosophical; economical; life and household. The neediness of direct people involvement in evaluation of the outcomes of government structures from bottom to top is emphasized. The main purpose of uniting a nation within a human-centered strategy for social development of labor potential is rapprochement of national elite interests to the interests of the people in their self-realization. A triad of key innovative postulates of the management mechanism of the government’s activity for citizen’s self-realization is proposed. The first “postulate” is the ability to measure quantitatively the quality of life of citizens as a level of self-realization. It is carried out by determining the index of satisfaction of human needs with the help of factor- criterion qualimetric estimation models. The second “postulate” is application of social technology to assess the quality of life of the population in communities on a particular territory with annual sociological surveys. A key resources of continuous communication of the authorities with the people. The third “postulate” is the integration of the survey results into the plans for socio-economic development of the relevant territories. It is proposed to introduce social technology for determining the life quality indexes on the basis of “digitization”. The stages of formation and key resources of realization of unifying human-centric strategy of development of labor potential of Ukraine are revealed.


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