security environment, methodological approach, formalization of the strategic planning, strategic planning, strategic methods, strategic environment security, national security, military security, evaluation methodology.Abstract
The National Security Strategy of Ukraine and the Concept of the Development of the Security and Defense Sector of Ukraine imply the need to seek scientific approaches to the strategy of the security environment in order to minimize the risks and counter threats to the national security, and in particular military threats, in order to ensure the state’s level of military security. The article summarizes the theoretical generalization and substantiation of the essence of the scientific and methodological approach to formalizing the strategic planning, schematic representation of the essence and main goal of the national security system strategic planning (hereinafter –NSSS) to determine the acceptable level of the national security, schematic representation of the strategic trajectories based on the criterion of maximizing the national security and disclosing options for setting strategic planning tasks. Based on the analysis, the study concludes that a scientific and methodological approach to formalizing the strategic planning, provided that it is implemented in the practice of the public administration, first of all strategic, and the formation of the public policy will enhance their objectivity and effectiveness and may be extended to other spheres of life of the state and society, especially the socio-economic. The author also proposes to apply this methodological approach in the development of such strategic documents as drafts of the Military Security Strategy, the concept and program of the development of the Military Organization of the State, the new edition of the Military Doctrine of Ukraine, etc. Taking into account the current state of the public administration, the strategic environment of the security environment offers practical recommendations that will contribute to the improvement and increase the effectiveness of the strategic planning and administration in the changing conditions of the external and internal environment.
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