


institutes of public control, subjects, public administration, public organizations, political parties, mass media, public control bodies, institutional aspect.


The article is devoted to revealing the peculiarities of work of public control institutes in Ukraine. The factors that influenced the constitution of the integrated public administration system are presented. It is established that the effectiveness of public control in Ukraine is directly dependent on the state of development of civil society and the level of interaction of its subjects with public authorities and their officials. The role of public control in ensuring the rule of law in public administration is defined. Shown goals and success factors of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in the process of public control. The factors that influence the ability of NGOs to achieve intermediate goals of participation in public control are outlined. The features of public control institutions in Ukraine are defined. It is established that public control bodies are not vested with authority; they act, as a rule, indirectly-either through the relevant state bodies, or by appealing to public opinion. The subjects of public control in Ukraine are revealed. It is established that the analysis of activities of public control entities allows to identify the most active participants in these legal relationships, namely: public organizations and associations of citizens, individual citizens with active public position, territorial communities, political parties, mass media and web-portals, etc. It has been found out that public control entities can equally use legal and social control mechanisms. In the first case, public control entities apply legal mechanisms in detecting violations by public authorities and officials, exercising the constitutional right to appeal to various public authorities for the purpose of taking appropriate measures. In another case, when identifying shortcomings in the activities of employees, the control influence is carried out through the Institute of Public Opinion. The institutional aspect of public control is disclosed. The role of political parties in the implementation of public control is defined. The importance of mass media in providing public control activities in modern Ukraine is revealed.


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How to Cite

Ігнатенко, О. С. (2020). PECULIARITIES OF ACTIVITIES OF PUBLIC CONTROL INSTITUTES IN UKRAINE. Expert: Paradigm of Law and Public Administration, (1(7), 167-175.

