corruption, anti-corruption, national security, anti-corruption institutions, public power, anti-corruption struggle.Abstract
The article is devoted to revealing the main problems of functioning of anti- corruption bodies in the system of ensuring national security of Ukraine. It has been established that corruption should be understood as a systemic problem affecting all social strata, and counteracting it requires the combined efforts of all social strata. Measures to be taken to create special anti-corruption institutions are identified. The main problems of ensuring national security in the context of preventing and combating corruption, in particular political, economic, social, legal, managerial, psychological and cultural-ethical, are outlined. The directions of research of the problem of corruption in public authorities, in particular institutional-legal, organizational-managerial, axiological and ethical-cultural, are determined. The problems related to the implementation of anti-corruption policy are identified. It is established that all problems of functioning of anti-corruption bodies can be divided into the following three groups: the first group (related to how corruption in the public and state space arises and spreads, in particular, the problems: political-legal (presence of political instability), economic (weak system of salaries of civil servants), social (weak civil society), legal (undeveloped anti-corruption legislation), managerial (presence of structural and functional defects of the system of state bodies), psychological (the idea that individual corruption is meaningless), ethical (there are double moral standards for corruption), control (no effective control by civil society) and personnel (no professionally trained personnel with a set of relevant); the second group (related to how effectively and effectively anti-corruption measures are implemented). It is found that a major problem faced by anti-corruption bodies in their activities is the desire of high-level officials, who are empowered by such structures, to maintain their influence on the range of these processes. It is revealed that the anti-corruption struggle in our country is complicated by the fact that the network of corruption relations has spread to every level of government and administration, within the political process as a whole.
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