self-government, local self-government, European regional policy, decentralization of power, subsidiarity, democratization of social development.Abstract
The article deals with the most characteristic features of European regional policy and practice of forming local self-government in the countries of Europe in the conditions of modern radical transformations of public administration. Emphasis is placed on the fact that such policies and practices depend crucially on systems of government, models of state regional policy, and features of contemporary interaction between the state and civil society. It is justified that resorting to the analysis of these processes is of utmost importance in the context of distinguishing common and special in the modernization of local selfgovernment in European countries, in view of which of the best features of functioning and modernization of local self-government should be considered first of all as a model and imitation. the process of implementing regional policy, with the aim of forming a more effective system of local self-government in modern Ukraine. Given the volume of the article, the practice of reforming local self-government in Austria, England, Spain, Germany, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Hungary, France, Czech Republic, Sweden and other countries is presented retrospectively by highlighting the most important components of this process. It has been proved that the practice of reforming local self-government in European countries is interesting and instructive. Its main characteristic is related to ensuring maximum autonomy of regional territorial communities, which is possible only with appropriate decentralization of power, optimal implementation of the principle of subsidiarity, implementation of administrative-territorial reforms, democratization of relations between the state power and civil society. The use of the practice of such reform in political, legal, organizational and managerial terms will be of considerable, positive importance for Ukraine.
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