information security, security, threats, legislation, prevention, counteraction, functions of the state.Abstract
This article explores threats to the information security of the state and the basis of the existing doctrinal and regulatory framework. A thorough analysis of the provisions of the Laws of Ukraine «On Fundamentals of National Security of Ukraine» in 2003, «On Basic Principles of Cyber Security of Ukraine» in 2017, «On National Security of Ukraine» in 2018, National Security Strategies of Ukraine 2015, Doctrines of Information Security of Ukraine 2017 demonstrates the lack of a unified approach to identifying and understanding the category of information security threats. Sometimes they are treated as threats to the national security of the state, as threats to the national interests and national security of Ukraine in the information sphere, cyber threats, etc. In scientific journals, they are sometimes identified or, on the contrary, categorized in various ways by their various criteria. Threats to information security of Ukraine are considered by us as determining factors that cause and create negative phenomena that affect national interests in the information sphere, organization and functioning of the national information space as a whole. They can have wide-ranging cross-border or global implications for risks and dangers in other areas, affecting the national information space of the state or international information security. With a view to preventing and counteracting existing and probable threats to information security, the strategic task of the state entails establishing and operating a mechanism for ensuring information security. It envisages a consistent systematic activity, a set of measures and state-legal institutions, which are designed to guarantee the smooth realization of the national interests of the state in the information sphere, the relevant interests of the individual and the society, prevention of information conflicts and their prompt resolution.
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