production, production, subject, issue, forensic technological examination, forensics, technology.Abstract
The article formulates the basic concepts of forensic examination in the field of production technology, namely: the basic questions which are solved by forensic technological examination were defined; the subject; the object; the tasks that provide an opportunity to understand the essence and content of expert activity in this area; the nature of the expert’s special knowledge was determined and the tasks of a specific examination were separated from the tasks of other related types of examinations in this field. The purpose of research is to develop theoretical and methodological foundations of forensic technology examination, recommendations with the use of special knowledge in criminal and civil proceedings on the prevention, disclosure, investigation and consideration by courts of crimes related to production technology, as well as improving the methodology of forensic technology examination, justification and formulating recommendations for the legal assessment of its results and improving the effectiveness of the use of forensic conclusions in the process of proving. Achieving these goals will be realized by solving the following tasks: improving the legal, organizational and methodological support of forensic activities for the purpose, organization and conduct of forensic technological examination; analysis of modern possibilities of using scientific and technical means and special knowledge during forensic technological examination; determination of the subject, objects, tasks and place of forensic technological examination in the system of general theory of forensic examination; development of the general concept, theoretical and applied bases of forensic technological examination as an independent type of forensic examination; optimization of the conceptual apparatus of forensic production technology examination; development of recommendations for improving the use of expert technologies in the practice of conducting forensic technology examination.
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