


public administration, social policy, benefits, privilege.


The aim of the study, outlined in this article, was to clearly distinguish between such categories of social assistance as «privileges» and «privileges» and, on this basis, to make practical recommendations for improving public administration in the field of social policy in Ukraine. Under social security benefits, the author proposes to understand the legal means of creating a regime of assistance for citizens who are in a difficult life situation, resulting in complete or partial release from certain duties. It is necessary to differentiate the ratio of benefits with other legal categories of social policy (privileges, guarantees, immunities), etc. The main difference between privileges is that the privilege is the relief of the subject’s position, which is achieved by reducing a certain workload, being relieved of his duties, and not by additional allowances. In order to bring into the system numerous normative acts regulating the granting of privileges, the author proposes to adopt a single complex act at the level of the law, which should formulate the concepts and types of privileges, the grounds for granting them, the range of entities entitled to benefits, their procedure. financing, grounds for changing or ordering the privileged status, the procedure for canceling privileges. Such a comprehensive regulatory act will provide a clearer fixing of the place of benefits in the social security system and legislation. The current legislation should provide for the possibility and conditions of obtaining social benefits for individual citizens, and not for granting these benefits. Any privileges in the social sphere must be completely eliminated. Any compensation to citizens who have special, and (very importantly) personal services to society and the state should be manifested mainly in the form of public honor, and in exceptional cases can be made in the form of lump sum payments (within the current legislation, at the discretion of the government , individually and at the expense of funds earmarked for this purpose). Most benefits that need socially disadvantaged groups must be monetized and individualized, taking into account the personal financial status of the applicants.


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How to Cite

Кальниш, Ю. Г. (2020). MAIN ISSUES OF SOCIAL POLICY IN MODERN UKRAINE: BENEFITS AND PRIVILEGES. Expert: Paradigm of Law and Public Administration, (3(9), 223-230.

