civil service, civil servants, personnel management, scientifical and methodological support of state bodies.Abstract
The article presents the results of the analysis of problems of scientific and methodological support of the personnel management process in public authorities and substantiates the recommendations to overcome them. Author has analyzed a list of the main issues of personnel management in public service on which employees require the provision of methodological assistance, namely: the definition of key performance indicators, efficiency and quality of service activities; preparation of individual programs to improve the professional competence of civil servants; development of situational tasks: drafting job descriptions and professional training of civil servants, disciplinary responsibility, psychological aspects in personnel management; HR-branding; provision of leave; calculation of work’s length; assigning ranks and maintaining personnel documentation, etc. The main sources of information and methodological exchange between the National Agency of Ukraine for the Civil Service and public authorities are indicated. It’s recommended to form an institution which should manage or coordinate the mechanisms that must provide the complementarity of formal and informal components of institutionalization in field “Public Administration and Management”. Such an institution should be an operating or advisory body under the National Agency of Ukraine for Public Service as a center of management, coordination and monitoring of development of the branch of knowledge in the field of “Public Administration and Management”. It is advisable to put also on this body the task of coordinating scientific and dissertation research in the field of knowledge “Public Administration and Management” to exclude repeated cases of duplication of scientific and dissertation research. The most important function will concern the implementation of scientific and methodological support of the personnel management process in public authorities.
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